Denny Smolinski

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New Amazon Vendor Retail Analytics Experience 2024

New Amazon Retail Analytics Dashboards now available in Amazon Vendor accounts. Brand Analytics Dashboards that will direct you to the new ARA dashboards.

Jul 22, 2024  / Blog  /  New Amazon Vendor Retail Analytics Experience 2024

new amazon retail analytics 2022

As Amazon 's continual efforts to improve our reporting products, they would like to announce the launch of the new Amazon Retail Analytics (ARA) on Vendor Central.  ARA prioritizes data integrity and simplifies sales and operational reporting with a focus on critical data with new Sales, Traffic, Net PPM, Forecasting, Inventory, and Catalog dashboards.

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If you have not encountered them already, you will soon find announcements on your Brand Analytics dashboards that will direct you to the new ARA dashboards.

New Version of Amazon Retail Analytics.

Brand Analytics will maintain the current report dashboards in parallel with the new dashboards as we collect and assess feedback on performance and usability. You will continue to have access to the current reports while we refine and develop functionality in ARA.

For more information, go to Amazon Retail Analytics dashboards.

We hope you find the ARA dashboards useful. You can use the feedback tab on the lower left side of the ARA dashboard page to send us any thoughts and feedback you might have.

For a glossary of metrics included in the Amazon Retail Analytics (ARA) dashboards, go to the Amazon Retail Analytics metric glossary.

General Retail Analytics Dashboard Information

Missing ASINs in the analytics dashboard

This can be due to one or a combination of the following reasons:

  • Distributor view: Ensure that you have selected the proper Distributor view selection. The Manufacturing view shows data for ASINs manufactured by you, regardless of who sourced the products to Amazon. The Sourcing view shows only the data of ASINs sourced directly from a vendor code in your vendor group.
  • No data in time period: An ASIN must have data for at least one of the metrics in a given dashboard for the selected time period being viewed in order for it to appear in that dashboard. For example, an ASIN with inventory will appear in the Inventory dashboard, but may not appear in the Sales dashboard if no sales occurred for that ASIN in the selected timeframe.
  • ASIN mapping: Vendor hierarchy and ASIN catalog attribute setup impact how ASINs are mapped to ARA reports. ASINs not properly mapped to ARA may appear to be “missing” from reports. Once mapping is corrected, it may take up to 14 days to reflect in the dashboards. For troubleshooting help with data issues related to ASIN mapping, vendor hierarchy, or catalog attributes, reach out to your retail partner or open a Contact Us case.

Unowned ASINs in the retail analytics dashboard

This is likely due to an ASIN mapping issue. ASINs not properly mapped to ARA via proper vendor hierarchy, ASIN catalog attributes, and vendor group setup may cause an ASIN to inaccurately populate in ARA dashboards. For troubleshooting help with issues related to ASIN mapping, reach out to your retail partner or open a “Contact Us” case and request ASIN mapping assistance.

Data does not match the data surfaced by the vendor manager or account manager

There is ASIN-level data parity between ARA and the internal tools used by your retail partners. For questions on reporting you receive from your retail teams, reach out to your retail partner or open a “Contact Us” case.

Only some users see a particular dashboard, while others can’t

Users who are not administrators must have the "Financial Reports" task-based role enabled in order to access the Inventory dashboard. Admins will already have all rights enabled by default. Only an admin can enable or disable a non-admin’s rights.


Retail Analytics Forecasting Dashboard

The Forecasting dashboard lets you identify the customer demand for your products for production and inventory planning purposes.

Meaning of the different P-levels

The forecasting system produces forecasts for an ASIN at various confidence levels, or “Critical Ratios” (CR). If you are setting a CR of 80, a.k.a. "P80," it means there is 80% probability that the ASIN will be in stock for the buying horizon. A higher CR or P-level means more buffer stock.

Vendor purchase orders don’t align with the unit forecast in the Forecasting dashboard

The forecast report provides a forecast for unconstrained customer demand, which is not a promise of purchase orders. If there are already on-hand or on-order units available to cover customer demand, for example, this would be accounted for when the system issues purchase orders.


Retail Analytics Inventory dashboard

The Inventory dashboard lets you monitor the health of your product inventory through weekly updates. You can quickly identify and respond to unfavorable trends.

Unable to see inventory metrics at the daily grain

Not all metrics included in the Inventory dashboard are available at the daily granularity, so the option has been removed.

Out of stock (OOS) metric is not replenishable OOS (Rep OOS)

ARA surfaces Procurable product OOS (ROOS). While Rep OOS considers only replenishable ASINs, ROOS considers procurable ASINs. Since the ASIN cohort is larger for ROOS vs. Rep OOS, in most cases, ROOS will be a lower percentage than Rep OOS.

I can’t see ROOS or unfilled customer order units in Sourcing view

This is expected behavior, as the data from ROOS and unfilled customer order units are only available for manufacturing vendors. This is ASIN-level data that cannot be attributed to a specific vendor.

Viewing Amazon Fresh (F3) sales

Access to Amazon Fresh views must be enabled by your internal retail partner.


Net PPM dashboard

The Net PPM dashboard lets you identify which products are driving profitability up or down by analyzing Net Pure Product Margin (Net PPM). Net PPM measures product profitability after cost of goods, vendor funding, and sales discounts are taken into account.

Unable to see the Net PPM dashboard

The Net PPM dashboard is typically only displayed to manufacturers. Reach out to your retail partners or open a “Contact Us” case if you believe you should have access to the Net PPM dashboard.

Warehouse Deals sales are not included in the Net PPM metric

Brand Analytics (including ARA) does not include Warehouse Deals sales in its metrics. Since proceeds from Warehouse Deals sales are not collected by the vendor, we do not account for these transactions. The internal tools used by your retail partners may be inclusive of Warehouse Deals sales. For questions on whether Warehouse Deals sales are included in your internal metrics, reach out to your retail partner or open a “Contact Us” case.

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Retail Analytics Sales dashboard

The Sales dashboard lets you quickly identify opportunities by determining what is contributing to sales performance.

Unable to see Manufacturing view for the Sales dashboard, only the Sourcing view

All vendors will have access to the Sourcing view of the sales report, which will show the sales data for ASINs (with a product cost) that have an offer from a vendor code listed in the vendor group. If the vendor is a manufacturer, they will have access to the Manufacturing view, which shows ASIN-level data for any ASIN manufactured by the vendor code designated as the manufacturing role in the vendor group. Enabling or disabling this view will be owned by retail stakeholders. Reach out to your retail partner if you believe you should have access to the Manufacturing view or open a “Contact Us” case.

Warehouse Deals sales are not included in sales metrics

Brand Analytics (including ARA) does not include Warehouse Deals sales in its metrics. The internal tools used by your retail partners may be inclusive of Warehouse Deals sales. For questions on whether Warehouse Deals sales are included in your internal metrics, reach out to your retail partners or open a “Contact Us” case.

Customer returns and free replacements are accounted for in shipped units and revenue

ARA accounts for customer returns and free replacements in shipped units and revenue.

The date that customer returns and cancellations are attributed to

Customer returns and cancellations are applied to ordered revenue based on the original date of the sale.

Seeing Amazon Business (B2B) and Amazon Fresh (F3) sales

Access to views of other Amazon Programs, such as B2B and F3, are enabled via vendor group rights. Reach out to your retail partner or open a “Contact Us” case if you believe you should have access to these views.


Amazon  Retail Analytics Traffic dashboard

The Traffic dashboard lets you quickly identify changes in relevant traffic-related metrics.

Unable to access the Traffic dashboard

If the vendor is a manufacturer, they will have access to the manufacturing view, which shows ASIN-level data, such as traffic, Net PPM, and forecasting, for any ASIN manufactured by the vendor code designated as the manufacturing role in the vendor group. Enabling or disabling this view will be owned by retail stakeholders. Reach out to your retail partners or open a “Contact Us” case if you believe you should have access.

Defining a glance view

Glance views (GVs) measure customer traffic and are defined by the number of views to the product detail page.

How glance views are calculated in Brand Analytics

In Brand Analytics reporting, GVs are calculated at the ASIN level, and only when Retail is the featured seller (that is, has the featured offer on the product detail page). By exposing raw GVs when Retail is the featured seller, we provide vendors with the traffic data where Retail had the opportunity to convert a sale.

The glance view metric in Brand Analytics doesn’t match Advertising reports

Glance view metrics can vary based on the reporting tool used, and the specific inputs or filters applied to those metrics. For example, Advertising tracks impressions and clicks to evaluate the efficacy of an ad taking the shopper to the shelf (that is, all detail page views). On the other hand, Brand Analytics tracks customer traffic to a detail page where the vendor has had the opportunity to convert a sale (that is, has the featured offer on the product detail page). Since the denominator may be different depending on the user’s use case, glance view metrics may vary across different tools.

Using glance views to calculate conversion

Conversion is the percentage of times a glance view was converted into a sale. It is a derived metric that is calculated by dividing ordered revenue by glance views.


Retail Analytics Catalog dashboard

The Catalog dashboard lets you monitor catalog quality by instantly accessing the latest catalog details for your products.

Accessing the Catalog dashboard

This dashboard is available to all vendors and users with access to ARA regardless of additional permissions. Vendors will have access to select the “Manufacturing” view in addition to the “Sourcing” view only if the vendor is a manufacturer. Enabling or disabling this view will be owned by retail stakeholders. Reach out to your retail partners if you believe you should have access to the Manufacturing view or open a “Contact Us” case.

Why only some people see the “Manufacturing view” in the Catalog dashboard, while others can’t

All users will have access to the “Sourcing” view option if they have access to ARA. Users who are not administrators must have the "Financial Reports" task-based role enabled in order to access the “Manufacturing” view of the Catalog dashboard. Admins will already have all rights enabled by default. Only an admin can enable or disable a non-admin’s rights.

Catalog dashboard update frequency

The report will update with the most recent available ASIN attribute data and display to the user the most recent date the report was updated. There is no date selection available.

Vendor Retail Analytics FAQs

How do I find the New Amazon Retail Analytics?

New Amazon Retail Analytics Dashboards now available in Amazon Vendor accounts. Brand Analytics Dashboards that will direct you to the new ARA dashboards. Reports > Brand Analytics > (link to top of page) There is a new version of this dashboard available. Visit Amazon Retail Analytics.

Is Amazon Retail Analytics free?

Short Answer - Yes.  The most strategic change in 2020 to Amazon Brand Analytics was it became free for Brand owners (making data availability similar to the Seller platform). The caveat to this is the brand must be registered through Brand Registry in order to not be charged for this reporting which used to be around 1% of retail sales.

Need Help with understanding Amazon Retail Analytics?

If you need help understanding the new Amazon Vendor Retails Analytics -

  • Leave a comment below to help out others in our beBOLD community
  • Or contact us directly with your question.


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About Denny Smolinski

He is the CEO and founder of beBOLD Digital - A Full-Service Amazon and Walmart agency that focuses on Sustainable Growth and Profitability for Our Partners (clients).

Denny has been selling on Amazon since 2007 and has had to adapt for every change that Amazon has made along the way.   Amazon and Walmart are an ever changing environment and Denny has his beBOLD team ready to handle any and every challenge.

Is your brand having challenges with growth, profitability, advertising, reporting etc - If yes, please contact us today!

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Do you want more growth?

Hey, we are beBOLD.   We are determined to make your Amazon & Walmart business grow.  Our only question is, will it be yours business?

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